The City Magazine Since 1975

May 2009

The skate punk-turned-street artist behind the ubiquitous “Obey Giant” sticker and poster experiment has moved on to bigger campaigns—presidential ones. Riding the popularity and controversy of his Obama Hope portrait, the Charleston native takes underground art, and its message, to the mainstream
Painter Lynne Riding ventures beyond the obvious to capture life’s beautiful abstractions
Chef Iverson Brownell choreographs a small-plate menu to capture the art of the Japanese theater
Longtime collector Terry Fox fills his Stono River condo with eclectic works by favorite artists and friends
Beauty and adventure beckon in Cashiers, North Carolina
As graduation for the inaugural class of the American College of the Building Arts approaches, the students share the challenges and triumphs of their four-year journey from apprentices to craftsmen, bridging old-world skills with modern careers at the only such institution in the country
The Punch Brothers take a swing at this year’s Spoleto Festival
Take another listen to the smooth sounds of the ’50s and ’60s
Emily Cookson demystifies the use—and reuse—of vanilla seed pods
South Carolina’s official state reptile, the loggerhead sea turtle, seeks sand, surf, and safety
Meet Charles Wadsworth: chamber music's champion, Spoleto's beloved star
From the start of Spoleto in 1977, Charlestonians have opened their homes, and hearts, to the festival