The City Magazine Since 1975

August 2016

How Shem Creek fares in Mount Pleasant’s current population and development boom is a microcosm of growing pains affecting the Lowcountry
The Sewee tribe of Native Americans was first to live along this waterway’s shores and gave it the name “Shemee” (meaning unknown). Its people valued the same sheltered deep water and easy accessibility to the harbor that attracted the Englishmen who began settling on the creek in the 1670s.
“They say we’re a dying breed,” says fourth-generation shrimper Franklin Rector. “That’s nowhere near true. Every year there’s a new boat on the creek. What’s more, the boats aren’t run by a whole bunch of old people.
Kayaks, SUPs, pleasure boats, fishing and touring charters, and commercial fishing boats share the busy channel
Shem Creek’s natural tidal flow and marshlands have long provided a habitat for an array of marine plants, fish, shellfish, birds, and mammals. Only in recent decades has the relationship between creek and human morphed into one with injurious overtones.
Perhaps the most notable change that will soon affect the creek is the multistory office building being erected at Coleman Boulevard and Mill Street.
A call for entries for our third annual photo contest, themed “Only in Charleston,” netted more than 600 submissions. Check out our top picks, including the winners in the amateur and professional categories who are each awarded $400, as well as the honorable mentions.
The Charleston Museum’s 19th-century curator, Gabriel E. Manigault, masterfully prepared dozens of skeletons now on view in a special exhibit
Through its hands-on approach to media arts education, Yo Art! is molding local students into budding fashion designers, photographers, and tech magnates 
Tina Hirsig creates space for her own artistic practice despite a hectic schedule as wife, mom, and teacher
On the night of February 17, 1864, the Confederate submarine H. L. Hunley slipped out of Breach Inlet and headed for the Federal blockading fleet offshore; her target was the sloop-of-war U.S.S. Housatonic.
Discover a cool, locally designed line of cotton clothing
Edendriver, created by late boat designer Seph Limehouse, makes its debut
Part workout, part hangout, Beth Cosi’s Bendy Brewski Yoga classes are good for body and spirit alike 
A longtime resident ponders the natural blessings bestowed upon us
513 King St. (843) 641-0821
Our taste-and-tell guide to some of the latest food and beverage openings in Charleston
Though a heaping spoonful is often served as a palate cleanser between courses, granita can make for the perfect summertime refreshment on its own. “It’s great for kids,” notes Peninsula Grill executive pastry chef Claire Chapman.
Meet Indaco's new executive chef
John Zucker shares three fruit-forward dishes
With help from designer Cortney Bishop, a pair of Chicago transplants bring low-maintenance sophistication to a South of Broad townhome
Who says you have to choose between work and play? As a mother of two who launched an interior architecture and design firm from her home office, Lauren Sanchez understands the need for multifunctional work spaces.
BevCon Charleston unites wine, beer, and cocktail industry leaders for a new festival in the Holy City
Get Mercantile and Mash’s tangy twist on the Arnold Palmer from coffee manager Michael Mai—and keep reading for two boozy versions
Right now, tassels are bringing color, texture, and movement to everything from dresses to sandals to handbags, but we’re especially obsessed with all the earrings we’re finding around town. You’ll find plenty of pretty picks here!
Transform your landscape’s cooler, darker corners with striking foliage and flowers
Trendy tie-on accents and intricate embellishments take center stage against a monochromatic nude backdrop in the David Koma look we sought to emulate
The Sullivan’s Island-based founder of resort-wear company Escapada Living shares details on her newest collections, best travel secrets, and more
The buzz in fashion and shopping around Charleston
Projekt CHARME fosters connections between Charleston and the German town of Haldensleben
The Travelin’ Kine releases its debut album
Looking back at early Lowcountry hurricanes