The City Magazine Since 1975

Oyster Roast

March 2020
A boiled peanut convert’s ode to Charleston’s culinary treasures

January 2020
Cooking out, Mason style

February 2019
Our taste-and-tell guide to some of the latest food-and-beverage openings in Charleston

January 2019
Steaming oysters and savory barbecue, skeet shooting and bourbon tasting—learn how a local event pro fashioned a...

May 2018
Charleston’s growth has been a boon for, and in part driven by, its creative community. The return of festival season...

January 2018
What’s happening this month?

February 2017
Every few years, we survey Charleston’s culinary scene, asking area gourmands, food writers, and other F...

November 2016
For the love of cycling—but also good food and company—Charles Fox serves up an 18th FestiVELO 

October 2016
A decade after its first overhaul, a contemporary residence overlooking the Wappoo River gets an indoor-outdoor makeover

January 2016
Think you know the Holy City inside and out?

December 2015
Dig into a veritable Lowcountry feast, from centuries-old receipts such as shrimp pie and cream oysters to 20th-century...

September 2015
How do you define “luxury”? Perhaps it’s an occasional indulgence, or a unique experience, or even something...

February 2015
Oliver Thames’ Bulls Bay OYRO aims to preserve the Lowcountry tradition of roasting oysters over a wood-burning flame  

January 2015
40 Ideas to Better Yourself—and Your City—in 2015

January 2015
In the French Quarter, a preservation-minded couple restores two adjoined 19th-century townhomes into a graceful single...

December 2014
Life on the water with “Clammer Dave” Belanger, who’s been cultivating and harvesting his specialized, nationally...

December 2014
For funerals in the South, in lieu of flowers, bring food

August 2014
Zephyr, the sailing spaniel

July 2014

June 2014
A 10-year-old sells lemonade to raise funds for pediatric cancer

February 2014
With a new name and expanded geographic reach, East Cooper Land Trust conserves open spaces for everyone.

February 2014

December 2013
The small but mighty Charitable Society of Charleston draws thousands to hit the streets for the fundraising Reindeer...

February 2013
What 71 Charlestonians, both single and attached, had to say about the local dating scene, their best and worst dates,...

January 2013
Charleston has deep ties to the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica)—as early as1680, the peninsula was called Oyster...

January 2013
Things Every Local Must Experience Whether your bloodline dates back generations or you just moved to town, check out...

November 2012
The Lee Bros. tap into Charleston’s food traditions and a bounty of stories

September 2012
Move over Martha, the founders of the Charleston Academy of Domestic Pursuits are schooling locals on all things home...

December 2011
A fascination with light drives Shannon Smith to paint local chefs, farm-fresh veggies, and landscapes near and far

March 2011
"My style is homeless bon vivant—classic, casual, and always infused with a splash of loud color.”