The City Magazine Since 1975


Interior designer Heather Marz transforms a high-traffic room in her home into a sophisticated, stop-and-stay-awhile...

Potted orchids put on a bright show when paired with tropical greenery and the season’s cheeriest fruit

Design pair Angie Artigues and Terri Baldwin transform an awkward catch-all room into ultra-feminine dressing quarters

Treat your table to an easy-to-assemble flowerbed brimming with bright blooms

Going overboard to make flowers look good is akin to hanging Christmas lights around an East Battery manse to ensure it...

Edward Hart raises his glass to classical music

A Georgian house on Tradd Street reveals historic treasures

Unearthing the creative layers of Joe Walters’ organic art

An impressive cadre of land preservationists work together to fight urban sprawl

Special Sections

Cocktails A to Z
Charleston Biking and Hiking Guide
Rare Creatures - Threatened and Endangered Species
Ranky Tanky - Gullah Revival
Images Of Charleston - Photo Contest
27 Lowcountry Luxuries
Secret Garden Party
Spring Fling
Charleston Oyster Guide