The City Magazine Since 1975


Priceless antique prints showcase a sampling of the flora that put our city on the botanical map—specimens that still...

Charleston Jazz Orchestra pays tribute to an American legend

Local sculptor Herb Parker explores the transitory nature of built spaces with his large-scale organic works

The multifaceted Bridge Run director takes his many responsibilities in stride

Nearly two decades, multiple renovations, and a whole lot of character transform a quaint cottage on Sullivan’s Island...

Create a colorful Easter table the children will love

Gussying up your homefront doesn’t have to be an over-priced overhaul left to next season (or the next); Scott Parker...

Prized for their heat- and drought-hardiness, these leggy blooms are the perfect perennial for any gardener who wants...

Special Sections

Cocktails A to Z
Charleston Biking and Hiking Guide
Rare Creatures - Threatened and Endangered Species
Ranky Tanky - Gullah Revival
Images Of Charleston - Photo Contest
27 Lowcountry Luxuries
Secret Garden Party
Spring Fling
Charleston Oyster Guide