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Discover how the delicate beach evening primrose gives strength to the Lowcountry’s sand dunes

Discover how the delicate beach evening primrose gives strength to the Lowcountry’s sand dunes
June 2021

At first glance, the sand dunes lining our beaches appear to be barren, desert-like hills. Yet these gentle, undulating mounds of soft sand hold a wealth of plant and animal life, including the beautiful, bright yellow flowers of the beach evening primrose (Oenothera drummondii) and its close cousin, the white-blossomed dunes evening primrose (Oenothera humifusa). Blooming from April to October, these salt- and heat-tolerant perennials play an important role in the complex dynamics of the barrier island ecosystem. Here, take a closer look at how they help strengthen the dunes

STRONG DEFENSE Dunes are vital to the barrier island ecosystem and form the first line of defense against the sea. Despite their ever-shifting sands, they are deceptively strong guardians against the impact of high winds and storm-driven waves. What holds the sand mounds in place is a combination of native grasses and vegetation, from deep-rooted sea oats to surface-running primroses. All work independently, yet in unity, to keep dunes healthy.

COOL RUNNING These ground covers are woven together by long, above-ground tendrils that spread across the surface of the dunes. Taking root easily, the crisscrossing network of runners helps hold the soft sand in place and gives the dunes their remarkable strength.

PRIMROSE PATH One important way dunes are protected is the designated paths and walkways built by beachfront communities to provide ocean access without disrupting the fragile environment. These paths offer easy viewing of evening primrose in full bloom.

PRIME TIME The name “primrose” comes from the Latin “prima rosa,” for “first rose,” and its delicate, translucent flowers have traditionally represented youth in its first bloom. There are thousands of species of primrose found across the world, each adapting to its own environment. The varieties native to Lowcountry beaches are found from the Texas Gulf Coast all the way to the North Carolina barrier islands. The “evening” name likely derives from the fact that its flowers open at dusk and are pollinated by night-flying insects.

BIRDS & BEES Evening primroses interact with a number of pollinators, from bats and birds to butterflies. The plant’s large, showy flowers and nectar supply attract bees during the day and moths at night.