The City Magazine Since 1975

May 2013

Five artists who are making their mark on the Holy City
Meet Scott Watson, the new leader of the Office of Cultural Affairs, and learn what the regime change means for banking on the arts in Charleston
They nurture and try to guide us from the moment we’re born—whether or not we heed their advice is another story.... In honor of Mother’s Day, some notable locals share the best bits of wisdom their moms have imparted and explain how they’ve helped shape their lives
For art connoisseurs and longtime collectors Michelle Van Parys and Mark Sloan, true style sets in through time and travel
Two sleuths team up on a major mystery in a young adult page-turner set in the Lowcountry
Get big laughs from teen improv comedians
Charles Carmody brings new energy to an underused downtown venue
Meet the Spoleto scene makers
Carl Palazzolo’s annual sojourn to a Charleston garden inspires watercolor works
The Preservation Society of Charleston rallies support around their 2013 list of “Seven to Save”
Textile artist Arianne King Comer shines a light on unrecognized creative talent, helping kids with disabilities thrive
One thrifty local writer shares her tips on gobbling up the city’s smorgasbord of offerings without being gluttonous
black and white is hot this spring—to modernize the timeless pairing, we followed marc jacobs’ lead, pairing patterns for a fetching day-to-night look
Do your outdoor spaces need a quick lift? Geraniums come in a rainbow of colors and a variety of scents that can enliven any sunny spot
544 King St., (843) 414-7060
They’ll never fetch thousands of dollars or hang in the Louvre, but the cup-of-joe creations Kudu Coffee assistant manager Derrick Smith makes are still works of art—latte art that is.
The New Primal’s natural jerky
SNOB chef Frank Lee does South Carolina sweet onions three ways