The City Magazine Since 1975

Angel Oak

October 2019
The Lowcountry’s environmental leading ladies have an agenda, and a plan to save natural places and ensure quality of...

December 2018
One of the best parts of the holiday season is gathering with friends, neighbors, and perfect strangers at the many...

December 2017
What will you be giving your true loves this holiday season? We used the old English carol as inspiration for a variety...

September 2016
Chamber Music Charleston’s Sandra Nikolajevs marks the nonprofit’s 10th anniversary with a trip to Carnegie Hall

February 2016
Towering over 65 feet high, this majestic Southern live oak (Quercus virginiana) is said to be the oldest living thing...

November 2015
The PR maven who donates her media savvy and storytelling skills to great causes  

September 2015
How do you define “luxury”? Perhaps it’s an occasional indulgence, or a unique experience, or even something...

January 2015
The subtropical Lowcountry climate isn’t ideal for growing grapes, but that hasn’t stopped a recent surge in wine...

April 2014
Magnificent live oaks define our landscape, offering poetic structure to our vistas, shade on scorching summer days,...

October 2013
Get in the spirit of All Hallow's Eve and head out to some of the Lowcountry's spookiest spots. Supernatural...

February 2013
What 71 Charlestonians, both single and attached, had to say about the local dating scene, their best and worst dates,...

January 2013
Things Every Local Must Experience Whether your bloodline dates back generations or you just moved to town, check out...