The City Magazine Since 1975


May 2019
Rising star sommeliers Miles White and Femi Oyediran of Graft prepare Nigerian and Indian-inspired dishes for the women...

September 2018
After winding down the work day, the owners of goat.sheep.cow. don their hostess hats, throwing a lively dinner party...

January 2017
Natural wines have people buzzing these days. We asked the co-owner of Stems...

February 2015
Fall for this stunning shrub with pretty blooms and heart-shaped leaves  

March 2014
Visiting Wine + Food Festival sommelier Richard Betts is known for his Scratch...

January 2014
The city’s youngest advanced sommelier, McCrady’s Cappie Peete, has a palate that exceeds her 26 years. Here she shares...

November 2012
Giving thanks for Turkey-Day holiday vintages to cover every pocketbook

October 2012
Here are some wines that are downright thrilling! Pour for friends and family at a spooky Halloween bash

April 2012
More and more wineries are getting in touch with Mother Nature with organic and biodynamic farming and winemaking...

May 2011
Feel free to judge these bottles by their covers: running the gamut in price and aesthetics alike, each wine has...

January 2011
Admit it, workaday suppers are often eat-and-run occasions. But you can make staple dishes—from chili to chicken—linger...

November 2010
Often find yourself roaming the wine shop seeking out a gift for the hostess you hardly know, the old friend who goes...

July 2010
In the wine world, rosés are back in bloom—and without thorny price tags. Chill one of these delicious picks for...

April 2010
This Earth Day, raise a toast to California wineries that are making it possible for eco-sippers to have their...

October 2009
When it comes to boxed wines, don’t expect rich, first-growth flavor—that’s not what they’re made for. Instead, think...

June 2009
15 Great Getaways

March 2010
Fresh entertaining ideas and recipes for your spring holiday

March 2008
Entertaining in high style is a cinch with help from local pros

September 2007
Al-fres-co out of doors; in the open air