Homemade Eats: “I love making khao poon for my family. It’s a red curry coconut milk soup. Banana flowers really make the flavors pop.”
Herb-ivore: “My favorite ingredient is basil, especially the mini Thai variety. It has more fragrance and goes well with noodles and curries.”
Laab Love: “The first dish my aunt taught me was laab, a staple salad in Laos. We broke down an entire cow to feed guests at her wedding!”
Beer Me: “At Charles Towne Fermentory, they all know the Yacht Party lager is my favorite. I also like saisons—really anything a little lighter.”
The 8-4-3: “Korean BBQ at 843 in North Charleston is a go-to. They have a little grill at the table, and it’s fun to relax and take our time.”
Chatting with Sap-Lai's Tee Somsnith