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Style Q&A: Cameran Eubanks

Style Q&A: Cameran Eubanks
May 2018

Talking motherhood, wardrobe splurges, and “the neighbor’s dog Elvis” with the Southern Charm cast member behind one of the Holy City’s funniest Instagram accounts

Q. What new projects are you working on right now?
Other than trying to keep my kid alive (by far the hardest job I’ve ever had), I recently partnered with the pharmaceutical company Dermira to be its spokesperson for hyperhidrosis, a condition I’ve dealt with since I was little. I’m also writing a book on pregnancy and the struggles of being a new mom. 

Q. What shoes are on your spring wish list?
Sandals from Sol Sana, a line I love that’s carried by Sapphire downtown. They have a lot of great Australian brands that you can’t find elsewhere.

Q. Which children’s lines do you love?
My favorites are Little English and The Beaufort Bonnet Company [whose ”Ruthie Romper” is above]. I want Palmer to wear classic pieces she could pass down someday.

Q. You aren’t one to blow your budget on clothes, but what items do you splurge on?
I don’t mind spending on good cashmere—you have it forever. I also have a decent collection of Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dresses.

Q. Describe your dream Mother’s Day.
On Valentines Day, Jason got me a 50-piece Chick-fil-A nugget meal, so my expectations aren’t too high, but I’d love a full day at Charleston Place’s spa. Alone.

An Instagram shot of Eubanks’s husband, Dr. Jason Wimberly, with baby Palmer and Elvis the dog

Q. So your neighbors’ dog, Elvis, has sort of adopted your family?
Oh Elvis! He has the nicest owners imaginable, and I really feel bad that he spends so much time over here. Jason loves that dog more than life. Let’s all pray Elvis lives a long time. He’s already 15!

Q. What are your skin-care essentials?
I’m a skin-product junkie. You name it, and I’ve probably tried it. Right now, I’m using two SkinCeuticals serums, the C+AHA and the Hydrating Intensifier. For moisturizer, I’m on a La Mer kick. I have also been using Retin-A since I was about 26. 


Photographs courtesy of (portrait, family, & nuggets) Cameran Eubanks, (shoe) Sol Sana, (romper) The Beaufort Bonnet Company, & (La Mer & SkinCeuticals products-3) the companies