The City Magazine Since 1975


May 2019
Get an insider taste of the Holy City

March 2018
Curated Selections’ Patrick Emerson shares his vegetarian spin on classic shepard’s pie, plus grilled salmon salad,...

November 2017
For a spring show, plant flowering bulbs this month

September 2017

March 2016
A fledgling nonprofit engages adults with special needs in activities centered around healthy living and creative self-...

May 2015
These fragrant blooms signal the arrival of spring  

April 2015
Chef Brannon Florie whips up a trio of dishes using this springtime crop

October 2014
The new southern table cookbook author Brys Stephens creates a buffet of flavors gathered from a lifetime of global...

June 2014
One longtime wave-rider’s search for wilderness surf experiences along the uninhabited shoals, sandbars, and islands...

Coming from a family of avid gardeners, FIG beverage director and recently named James Beard Outstanding Wine Program...

March 2008
Get the dirt on the City Greenhouse’s little-known community programs and volunteer opportunities

March 2008

April 2009
Priceless antique prints showcase a sampling of the flora that put our city on the botanical map—specimens that still...

March 2009
Prized for their heat- and drought-hardiness, these leggy blooms are the perfect perennial for any gardener who wants...

April 2008
Callaway Gardens near Atlanta reinvents itself as a luxury destination

September 2007
Al-fres-co out of doors; in the open air