The most exciting item in the silent auction--a Komen-themed pink vespa
Lovely tables were set up around the courtyard for guests to enjoy the lowcountry spread
Oyster shucking tables were ready for guests as the sun set.
Elegant floral centerpieces
The silent auction table
The Wild Dunes Golf Resort offered the perfect venue for the event
A fire pit warmed guests on the chilly night
Mini pecan pies made for a great dessert
Mini apple pies
Coleslaw made the perfect side to oysters and barbeque
Delicious food was not in short supply!
Jill Henning, Rick Howell, and Ashleigh Henning
Susan G. Komen board members Bonnie and Dana Hancock
Live music provided a lovely atmosphere
Bruce and Donna Hainley, Jim and Alice Pandolfi, and photobomber Dick Cronan
Joe Walker, Miff Cone, Carolina Bryan, and Carl Cone
Rose Minton, Jeff Minton, and IOP mayor Dick Cronan
Guests enjoy the roast
Pete and Marianne Fritts with Jeanne Cordes
Ellie and Ed Bobilin
Kyle Whetsco and James Poole
Lisa Jones, Gail Howell, and Rick Howell
"The Whole Pig!"
Stephen, Marci, and Jack Greene
Bryan and Joyce Hassell
Tina Miller and Patricia Morris