The entrance to McCrady's, where the night's festivities took place.
The evening began with a silent auction.
Featured hors d'oeuvres included fresh caviar, roasted tomato puree, and braised lamb.
Items at the silent auction included a case of wine from Biltmore Estate.
McCrady's wagyu beef tenderloin served with potato galette, carrot, and sauce perigord.
Kim Brown, Enlightened Grains founder Matt Anderson, and Elizabeth Urko.
One of the night's big auction items was dinner prepared by the Harbour Club's Chef Travis Overholt, seen here with Gerline Sievert and Gene Vlanton.
Jessica Martin, Amy Ironmonger, and Jean Kim
McCrady's local flounder with baked onion and parsley sauce.
Barbara Kelley-Duncan, CEO of the Carolina Youth Development Center, led the evening's award ceremony.
Representatives from Cummins were presented with the award for Corporate Partner of the Year in appreciation for their exceptional support.
Mayor Joe Riley received the Champion for Children Award in recognition of his continues service for children.
Meg and Steve Latour
Local meteorologist Tom Crawford led the evening's live auction.
Ben and Sara Dewolf, Amy and Joey Foxhall, Scott and Valerie Howell, and Sarah and Josh Hays
The evening's signature cocktail was
Kaky Grant, Carter Grant, Shelia Natale, and Micheal Grant