The City Magazine Since 1975

Going to the Dogs: Top Dogs of Instagram

Teddy the Cavalier’s split screen post with Snoop Dogg, emulating the star’s braids, and Indi the Boykin Spaniel

Whether full-on dog influencers working it for fame and fortune or just fun-loving, photogenic pals having a ball, these local cuties have garnered quite the fan base and social media following. 

♥ Teddy the Cavalier: In 2018, the Cavalier King Charles spaniel rose to Insta fame after his mom, Katie Polley, posted a split screen of Teddy and Snoop Dogg sporting similar ’dos (above), and the rapper reposted to his millions of followers. These days, you’ll find Teddy going for boat rides, indulging in self-care, and doing more celeb impersonations, like his recent Pharrell Williams-inspired shot with a chapeau. @TeddytheCavalier

♥ Indi the Boykin Spaniel: This curly-haired, golden-eyed gal represents her breed and the distinction of being the state dog of South Carolina very well. On her Insta feed, she’s living the good life, often seen cuddling up with owners Rod and Carol, who want to show others how special these spaniels are. If you need your Boykin fix, look no further. @indigirlkin

Charleston Max and Meeko the Aussiedoodle at Firefly Distilling

♥ Charleston Max: Listed as “a public figure,” this savvy six-year-old yellow Lab knows how to play to his audience. Looking cool in a wide variety of shades, he gets around town, especially to his favorite restaurants. Check out one of Max’s taste-testing videos at local eateries—mmmm, bacon!—to see if you and your pup should make the trip. @CharlestonMax

♥ Meeko the Aussiedoodle: Between the release of his new book, Meeko Goes to the Beach (Ruff Life Media, June 2021), and product endorsements, this blue- and brown-eyed cutie is one busy doodle. Tag along with his 14K and counting followers. @ruff_life_of_meeko

Shep Rose’s French bulldog pal, Craig, and Hudson the Golden Retriever

♥ Craig the French Bulldog: With more than 101,000 followers, Craig is famous in his own right, and most of that attention he owes to his human, Shep Rose, of Bravo’s Southern Charm. Needless to say his antics and humor are as out there as his dad’s, and everyone tunes in for the laughs. @goodboycraig

♥ Hudson the Golden Retriever: Typically modeling a cute bandana or, at times, a bow tie, this handsome pup is always ready for an outing with his #dogmom, whether to Shem Creek or to The Co-Op for a quick frosé. @goldenlifeofhudson


(Left to right) Sully the Goldendoodle at The Joe; Tugboat (left) and Peanut at Folly Beach; Percy the Yorkie at Charleston Harbor Marina

♥ Sully the Goldendoodle: This fluffy boy loves to camp with his people and cheer on the Gamecocks and RiverDogs. The happy doodle travels all over the state sporting a collection of color-coordinated bandanas, often going all out for any and all holidays in cute costumes. @thegoldendoodle_sully

♥ Tugboat & Peanut: These two Boston terrier pups chronicle their adventures at the beach, on the water, in the boat, fishing with their dad, and all around town. They clearly love belly rubs and sunshine; check them out if you need a quick pick-me-up. @tugboat.and.peanut

♥ Percy the Yorkie: Since moving here from Houston, this dapper little dude has become quite the player. He even has his own posse; his mom runs a puppy playdate page on Facebook that keeps all his buds happy and healthy. @percytheyorkiepup



Photographs courtesy of @Teddythecavalier, @CharlestonMax, @indigirlkin/Carol Whiting, @Ruff_Life_of_Meeko; @Goodboycraig, @Goldenlifeofhudson, @thegoldendoodle_Sully, @Tugboat.and.peanut, & @PercytheYorkiePup