The City Magazine Since 1975

Kristin Walker

Kristin Walker
October 2009
Style, art, and entrepreneurship keep the founder of Charleston Cycle Chic’s wheels spinning

Style, art, and entrepreneurship keep the founder of Charleston Cycle Chic’s wheels spinning



Kitten Confidential: “My husband, Randy, and I got a pair of kitties a few months ago. I fell in love with Bug, the white one, and Boo cuddled up to Randy.”





Sentimental Value: “My love for vintage necklaces started after my grandmother died. She had a box of costume jewelry, and I started wearing pieces as reminders of her.”







Great Lengths: “I love maxi dresses-more elegant than a T-shirt and shorts but just as comfortable."





Chalked Up: "Randy and I covered the side of our cabinet in blackboard paint. every New Year's, we wipe it clean and start over."


Lens Crafter: “In my dream parallel life, I would be a famous photographer. But in reality, it’s just a hobby. I’m good with people and nature.”





Words to Live By: “Rainer Maria Rilke’s work has pushed me to be courageous, adventurous, patient, and accepting of ‘now.’”





Artistic Movement: “This butterfly mobile hangs in my kitchen. Even as a broke grad school student, I just had to have it!”




Patent Approval:“I have about six years worth of patent leather shoes. They add a little diva to any outfit.”


Home Life: “I enjoy outdoor activities, inventing recipes, and sitting on the porch talking with my husband and friends.”

Ride Share: After discovering Copenhagen Cycle Chic, Kristin began Charleston’s chapter “to get more women on bikes. Spandex isn’t required—wear high heels!”

Brave Heart: “One thing every woman should have is courage to step out of her comfort zone and live her dream.”

Going Pro: “I wanted to incorporate my love of bicycling, so I started Pedal to Properties. I show real estate by bike.”
