The City Magazine Since 1975

Frankly Speaking

By Sarah Martin, Fish Restaurant Craving a sassy, refreshing sip? Look no further than this “sweet-tart” of a drink—named in honor of the late Grey Goose vodka creator, Sidney Frank. Its secret ingredient? The sweet yet tart tamarind nectar. “I'm in love with tamarind,” says Fish bartender Sarah Martin. “It makes for a great aperitif because its complex flavor gets your taste buds going.” As for her smartly branded —not to mention wonderfully aromatic—garnish, she used orange peel for “a little citrus on the nose” and punched the letters C-F-W into a fragrant Kaffir lime leaf.
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1 oz. Grey Goose Vodka
1/2 oz. Liquor 43 (Cuarenta Y Tres)
3 slices of freshly peeled ginger
1 tsp. agave nectar
1 oz. tamarind nectar (see below)
2 lime wedges

For the tamarind nectar:
Bartender’s note: Tamarind nectar can be purchased ready made, but it is full of high fructose corn syrup and preservatives. Tamarind pods are available most grocery stores, but it’s much easier to work with packages of seedless tamarind pulp, which can be purchased at specialty stores. Sarah bought hers at H&L Asian Market, 5300-1 Rivers Ave., North Charleston, (843) 745-9365,

1 (16 oz.) pkg. seedless tamarind
2 qts. water
2 qts. sugar,


Place first five ingredients in a shaker filled with ice. Squeeze in lime juice from wedges. Shake well and strain into a rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with orange peel and Kaffir lime leaf.

For the tamarind nectar:
Combine the ingredients in a large pot over medium-low heat and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. Allow to cool, then strain solids through a chinois. This will give you a paste. Add equal parts paste and water to get a nectar of juice consistency.