Neutral Territory: The wide-open living room is furnished simply with linen-upholstered sofa and chairs and a leather-top coffee table. It is enclosed on two sides by glass and opens to an ipé deck and screened porch.
Concrete Ideas: Architect Jim Thomas designed the earthy, modern residence to fit an irregular marshfront peninsula; a series of staggered, parallel concrete walls served as his dominant design principle.
Island Living: The Siematic-designed kitchen features wenge cabinetry and woodwork and a large round shade pendant; a floating wall of light green glass subway tiles offers a cool and contemporary backdrop.
Dining In: Interior designer Paola Thomas chose a bamboo dining table, leather-upholstered chairs, and a rectangular shade pendant for the dining room. A collection of aqua glass bottles dresses up the room’s neutral hues.
Natural Selection
The screened porch off the living room
In Good Company: In the north wing of the house, guest quarters include a simple kitchenette and a pair of bedrooms with no-fuss furnishings.
Dream State: Light from the marsh streams into the master bedroom, outfitted with a B&B Italia/Maxalto bed, bedding from GDC, and a painting by Vermont artist Peter Brooke.