Djole Dance and Drum Company was founded in 1999. Djole is the West African word meaning “much dance” or “spirit dance.”
Members of the Djole African Dance and Drum Company
Despite ravishment from disease and wilting poverty, hope for Ghana is reflected in the smiles of its children.
Members of Djole teamed with Nkabom, a Ghanian troupe, to produce a music and dance drama illustrating the ravages of AIDS
Samuel Nkrumah Yeboah, whose name means “powerful” in Ashanti, and Swenson in West Africa
A woman cares for a baby on a respirator in a hospital in Ghana
The living conditions of children in Ghana was an eye-opener for American students, teaching them the true meaning of poverty.
The well-trodden path leading from Elmina Castle is the same one captives took in route to the slave ships waiting to transport
Two members of Nkabom defy gravity.
hop14.jpgConnections: Ignoring the language barrier, visitors from Charleston play games with young Ghanian children.