The City Magazine Since 1975


July 2020
Keep your avian neighbors in fine feather with a cool splash spot

April 2020
Post your own photos using the hashtag #wisteriahysteria

February 2020
Think you've dined your way across the Holy City? Chefs and local personalities weigh in and share their favorites,...

February 2020
The accessories designer is hosting SEWE's Birds of a Feather Brunch

February 2020
Our top 3 picks, plus all that's new for the 2020 lineup

December 2019
The nationally renowned designer shares the how-tos behind her North Central home’s whimsical woodland holiday...

December 2019
Tracing the origins of a holiday decorating tradition

October 2019
Brightly striped and spotted in orange and black, the colorful Gulf fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) is a familiar sight...

October 2019
What's happening this month?

August 2019
Ghost crabs scuttle across the sand faster than you can say Ocypode quadrata, the scientific name for this sand crab...

July 2019
Forget the beach: One Daniel Island family—and their steady stream of visitors—soaks up summer fun at home along the...

July 2019
Crepe myrtles save the day, just in bloomin’ time

June 2019
How one family’s summer retreat keeps the natural surroundings front and center

June 2019
These Charleston early-risers have turned breakfast into the highlight of the day

March 2019
The Charleston Profile: Carolyne Roehm’s elegant simplicity and hard work made her an icon of international design, and...

February 2019
The Lee brothers curate a bold lineup for the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition kitchen stage

February 2019
Explorer John Lawson—who visited South Carolina in 1700—gives an apt introduction to Aix sponsa, whose nicknames...

January 2019
On the eve of the Gibbes Museum of Art exhibition “Anna Heyward Taylor: Intrepid Explorer,” take a look into the...

January 2019

November 2018
When Philip Simmons (1912-2009) began to study the craft of ironwork as a 13-year-old apprentice to Holy City...

October 2018
Take a closer look at some of the threatened and endangered species that call the South Carolina Lowcountry home

October 2018
Delving into the mystery of the Lamboll Street guineas

August 2018
A trio of local creatives threw an intimate (and seriously stunning) tropical-themed dinner party to celebrate the...

August 2018
Find yourself envisioning Jurassic Park’s flying dinosaurs when you see a brown pelican mid-air? You aren’t far off. ...

July 2018
With help from architect Christopher Rose and interior designer Melanie Turner, a pair of Atlanta-based attorneys craft...

April 2018
Stumped over how to build artful landscaping into your outdoor spaces? Here, find three plant combos centered around...

April 2018
With evergreen curiosity and a deep-seeded love of plants, Patti McGee cultivates the quintessential Southern garden—a...

January 2018
Feeling lucky? Aim to catch prismatic magic in Caw Caw’s winter swamp

December 2017
What will you be giving your true loves this holiday season? We used the old English carol as inspiration for a variety...